It’s easy for small business owners to get caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle. But those that take the time to show gratitude for good work and helpful efforts may earn a more positive outlook on their entrepreneurial endeavors, and simultaneously make the people around them feel better as well.

Here’s a look at how gratitude can help small business owners.

It keeps you sane

So says Jeff Charles in a story for He admits getting stressed, frustrated and occasionally “mildly insane,” but gratitude lets him “get through those crazy moments,” he says. “It allows me to acknowledge my challenges while still focusing on what I’ve accomplished so far. I have a lot to be thankful for. This knowledge is what keeps me sane when I’m going through the entrepreneurial emotional roller coaster. If you’re feeling discouraged or frustrated, focus on the successes you have had. Think of the people who support you. Think of the vision you have for yourself as an entrepreneur. Chances are, you have done things that many other people haven’t done. If you’re intentional about focusing on these things, it will make it easier to go through the tough seasons.”

It enhances optimism

This concept, as described by Minda Zetlin for, is as simple as the old “better to give than receive” philosophy. Expressing thanks can help your overall outlook. “Focusing on your reasons for gratitude means focusing on the things that make you happy,” she writes. “And as I’m trying hard to learn, being happy about the good things in your life won’t cause the Evil Eye to come after you. It will just give you a more optimistic outlook, which will in turn make you feel happier and more grateful. It’s a self-reinforcing cycle, and that’s a good thing.”

Personalized gratitude will boost morale

The support staff around a small business owner will likely get a lift with specific — not general — praise. There are different ways of presenting such compliments, as author David Horsager says in a story for Forbes’ Leadership Forum. “The method of appreciation or the person who extends the gratitude can make a big difference,” he says. “For example, some people value acknowledgement before a group, while others prefer a one-on-one thank you. This extra effort demonstrates that showing gratitude isn’t just a routine for you. It makes a difference when people see that you care about what matters to them.”

It will help you sleep

That may sound like a bold claim, but Geoffrey James says just that in a story for He recommends a nightly exercise before going to bed — writing or typing the positive elements of the day — and says that the benefits will continue through the night and the next day. “Did you help somebody solve a problem? Write it down,” he says. “Did you connect with a colleague or friend? Write it down. Did you make somebody smile? Write it down. What you’re doing is ‘programming your brain’ to view your day more positively. You’re throwing mental focus on what worked well, and shrugging off what didn’t. As a result, you’ll sleep better, and you’ll wake up more refreshed. More important, you’re also programming your brain to notice even more reasons to feel gratitude. You’ll quickly discover that even a ‘bad day’ is full of moments that are worthy of gratitude. Success becomes sweeter; failure, less sour. The more regularly you practice this exercise, the stronger its effects.”