Advice for Female Entrepreneurs

The number of women choosing to start their own businesses is increasing constantly. Last year in the U.S., there were nearly 9.1 million businesses owned by women, according to the 2014 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report, up from about 8.6 million in 2013....

Boost Your Productivity in 2015

Your to-do list keeps growing longer, but with so much to do, the days only seem shorter. Keeping your productivity up can get harder and harder to do as you get more overwhelmed with assignments. We all know we’re supposed to work smarter. But how? Tech is Your...

Entrepreneur Goals for the New Year

Most of you have probably made New Year’s resolutions aimed at improving yourselves. But what about your businesses? You haven’t made any? No problem. This article on Inc. offers some great suggestions that could help any entrepreneur, including: Improve Your SEO Some...